Individual Inquiry Self-Assessment

Select the statement below that best aligns with the Sustainable Health emotional state you determined from the Well-Being Wheel.

Select the statement below that best aligns with the Supportive Health emotional state you determined from the Well-Being Wheel.

Select the statement below that best aligns with the Critical Health emotional state you determined from the Well-Being Wheel.

I am interested in participating in activities or programs to help me maintain my current position on the Well-Being Wheel.

I would like to improve my ability to work through tough situations or emotional states, for times when I start to move up the Well-Being steps. I would like to develop these skills on my own time.

I would like to improve my ability to work through tough situations or emotional states, for times when I start to move up the Well-Being steps. I would like to engage regularly with others while I develop these skills.

I am at risk for putting myself or others in danger.

I am currently accessing regular therapy, but do not feel it is working and I could use more support.

I am open to regularly scheduled support from a professional.

I would like to connect with a peer to talk about my current emotions and/or well-being.

I need a listening ear to work through the event/incident that has triggered my current wellness state.

I would like to be connected with resources to help work through the event/incident that has triggered my current wellness state.

A specific event or incident has triggered my current wellness state and I am struggling to work through my current emotions and well-being on my own.

I would like to connect with a professional to talk about my current emotions and/or well-being.

Stepped Care Model
Supportive Health
Sustainable Health
Sustainable Health
Critical Health